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Special Edition

Another insane, gruesome attack in France, this time in Nice. Different place but same results – ordinary people doing ordinary things on Bastille day in France. This time the modus operendi was even more grisly – a huge truck plowing through hordes of people – men, women, babies in strollers –  zigzagging through the crowd for over a mile until the driver was killed. You know how long a mile is? It is mind-boggling.

The driver was a resident of Nice of Tunisian origin.  Israel has seen these kind of attacks for a long time. Isis issued the call a couple of years aog to kill the infidels any way they can including stabbings and driving trucks into people. This person in Nice took that call literally.

The French people have a huge issue on their hands, one that is almost unsolvable. For decades North Africans have moved into France but were never accepted by French society. It is one of many reasons that often the terrorists are native French-born. They live segregated from the French population, are often unemployed and are ripe to find ‘meaning’ in their life which they get from isis.

Yet, the person who perpetrated this attack does not fit the profile of other terrorists. He was not particularly ‘religious’ and was not on any watch list. It’s almost scarier because it is virtually impossible to find someone like that. Maybe he watched a few videos for a couple of days and made an impulsive decision.

So what is the answer? Not words. Not balloons. Not teddy bears. Not candles. Not flowers. Not marches. Not memorials. Not thoughts and prayers. No kumbaya holding hands singing together. ACTION. Armies from multiple countries sent to completely and totally eradicate isis and their supporters coupled with complete sharing of all information world-wide. That would include sending in moles, as Israel does. Dangerous work. Isis is losing ground in Syria and have moved their sights to terrorist attacks to get their message across. If they are hit on two fronts at once, perhaps it could weaken them enough so they would look impotent to those who value their strength.

Unfortunately, our world has no leadership right now. Obama came out sputtering the same impotent and totally useless words refusing to say it was done by islamic terrorists. He will go down in history as the worst president the United States has ever had, refusing to acknowledge that the world is at war, taking a zero leadership role.

This is a world war and every country must be actively involved. It is a matter of time before they set their sites on other countries.


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