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The Blanche Report: Flipping the Bird, Obamacare 101 & Parizeau

First two disclaimers on this piece. We are not wont to use any four letter words – however – and this is a big however, we just could not let this pass. And it’s a tad on the long side, but since Obamacare has come into being, we thought we would give you some of the highlights. Here goes:

Obamacare’s national call center list its number as 1-800-318-2596. After allowing for the lack of letters attached to 1 on a traditional American telephone keypad we will graphically show you what the number spells out – ready? 1-800-3(F) 8(U) 2(C) 5(K) 9(Y) 6(O). Oy vey Blanche – who would do something like that? As one report wrote, “Sadly, the Obama administration failed to swap the useless 1 for a more functional 8 to complete the heartfelt message. It certainly didn’t take long for someone to figure this out, eh?

Now here’s your Obamacare 101 Class

Who is Obamacare For? The new law is geared to the millions of Americans who do not have access to health benefits through a job, cannot afford private insurance or who are ineligible for public coverage. The law requires all Americans to have health care on Jan. 1, 2014, or face a financial penalty. To qualify participants must live in the U.S., have citizenship or legal residence and may not be currently incarcerated.

What health care services does Obamacare cover? The program offers four categories of coverage: bronze, silver, gold and platinum. All of the plans in these tiers are required to offer the same basic benefits, including (but not limited to) hospitalization, prescription drugs, emergency care, ambulatory patient services, maternity and newborn care, laboratory services and pediatric care.

What Does Obamacare Cost? About $328 per month. Premiums will vary not only based the kind of health plan people choose, but also on their state of residence and even the city they live in. In New York for instance someone would pay $416 a month for a mid-tier plan. But in upstate Ithaca, where fewer health insurers are available, the same coverage would cost $446 per month.

Most Obamacare enrollees are expected to qualify for financial subsidies to pay for the coverage, defraying the costs. One thing to remember: Private health insurers, not the government, will decide what plans to offer and set the rates.

Now What’s Wrong with Obamacare:

About one-third of American households received Medicaid, food stamps or some other means-tested program in 2010.  Add in Medicare, Social Security and unemployment and nearly half of all households are getting a government check. Thanks to ObamaCare that number will greatly increase.

Obama believes that if you get more people covered for even more services — including numerous “free” services — health care spending will go down. Health actuaries feel just the opposite will happen: health care spending will explode.  Consider that insured people spend a little more than twice what uninsured people spend on health care. ObamaCare is supposed to cover an extra 32 million previously uninsured people with very comprehensive coverage.

Okay – it’s over.

It seems that Princess Pauline had stomach issues (feh) after eating some bad food and wound up in the Jewish General Hospital.  Yikes!! In the place where doctors wear hijabs and yarmulkas.  Yes Blanche, in the very place where they said outright that they will not follow any charter of values. Why didn’t she go to the hospital in Rimouski? Or somewhere in the Saguenay where they all seem to adore the charter of values?

Seems that when the mighty get sick they don’t really care what’s on the head of their doctors, rather what’s in their head. A great line that will outlast all of those bigots.

On the same subject Jacques Parizeau has finally weighed in on the charter saying that it went to far. We had a sneaking suspicion he would do that as the author of  ‘we lost the election because of ethnics and money’ was too quiet for too long. It appears that this is not the vision he has of Quebec. We can only hope that others in his party who have been silent and feel as he does will finally step forward. And then – there will be a split in the ranks. Sounds good, eh Blanche? Start praying.

We spent a few days in New York recently and heard about things happening due to the government shutdown that are not making headlines.

It is taking many more personnel to keep people out of state parks than in them. They now have to man all the entrances and exits to keep the ‘folks’ out.  All of the restaurants and hotels in the small towns around the state parks are laying off waitresses, cooks etc because there are no people in those parks to frequent those establishments.

As of Friday: Low income single women with infants will stop receiving formula for their babies;  Breakfast that was given to inner city school children will also stop; Pregnant women who need food will stop receiving it.

Blanche – the elected officials in Washington are completely and totally out of touch with reality. They live and work in some kind of castle on a mountain and are basically telling their population to, as Marie Antoinette said – Let them eat cake.  We say that someone should take both the Democrats and Republicans on a tour of regular America to see what their temper tantrum is doing.

Good Shabbos,

We’ll talk…

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