It’s very, very cold in Chicago. How cold you ask? It feels like -60 Fahrenheit. Blanche, dats very cold. So what are we hearing on the American news channels about this kind of cold? That millennials have never experienced such cold before. And therefore? Of course they never experienced such cold before, they are under thirty. Sixty years ago it was so cold. Fifty years ago it was so cold. But they weren’t born yet.
Those saying these ridiculous things are, in fact, millennials. Let’s just say they take themselves way, way to seriously.
If you have any secrets that you r.e.a.l.l.y. don’t want anyone to hear, go right now and turn FaceTime off on your apple phone and computer.
It seems there’s a nasty new bug that lets FaceTime callers hear sound from the recipient’s microphone even if they haven’t picked up. Got that Blanche? You can be in the loo sitting in your terlit and some yahoo is listening in. Good luck to them, eh? Hehehehe. Imagine if it was after you ate some chili or something else with beans. A veritable symphony. But we digress.
Unless you’re Roger Stone, most of us have nothing to hide. Of course it’s not nice for people to listen to whatever you are doing in the loo or your kitchen, but, we guess that’s the price to pay for technology. Our guess is that Apple will get a handle on this pretty quickly. Not good for their stocks.
Quebec’s Anglos have their shorts in a very tight twist because Premier Legault decided to close an English language high school and give to the French sector. Just like that.
Everyone is ballistic because Premier Legault has asked schools, universities, police and any government agency to fork over the names of those who are visibly religious.
Legault is more direct than the Liberals, who the English community thought cared about them but of course always caved to the French population in Quebec unless it was so embarrassing – like pastagate, that they had to back down.
Legault won’t ask for a referendum on separation now. He’ll just hammer away at the English community, one nail at a time. We told you so. We kept saying be careful what you wish for. Everyone wished Couillard would lose and he did. Now everyone is stuck with Legault for another three years. He can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants for at least two and half years. Get used to it.
In the absolutely-you-won’t-believe-it department, as of Sunday, Hillary Clinton is still toying with running for president in the 2020 election. We know. You don’t believe it.
She was telling people that given all the news from the indictments, particularly the Roger Stone indictment, she talked to several people, saying ‘look, I’m not closing the doors to this.” The woman is delusional.
Here’s no surprise: Montreal’s inspector-general has uncovered what she calls a fraudulent manoeuvre in contracting for the new municipal library in a Montreal borough.
It is alleged that the contractor Lavacon, cooked up a deal with sub-contractors for circumstances where extra billing was needed. Seems Lavacon told the sub-contractors to inflate their bills by up to 15%, which it then kept.Welcome to the Quebec construction industry.
Hold your nose for this one. A Democrat congresswoman says she will nominate Dr. Christine Blasey Ford – the woman who accused now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her 36 years ago – for a prestigious award.
It was announced on Monday evening that Ford (whose allegations were never proven or even corroborated) be nominated for the prestigious Profiles in Courage Award, which is given out by the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum.
Something happened to Blasey-Ford. No doubt about that. But it was not Kavanaugh who did it. Give it a rest.
Everyone on the left is gaga over Kamilla Harris who announced she is running for president. Good luck to everyone on the left. All they see is a half-black woman who can speak to a crowd and is presentable. What does she stand for? What would she do if elected to the White House? Here ya go:
She embraced Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s so-called Green New Deal, which would cost an estimated $49 trillion over the next ten years, as well as slashing the military in half, eliminating natural gas and coal within 11 years, and banning gasoline-powered vehicles.
She also embraced nationalized health care insurance to the extent that she gleefully stated that she would “eliminate” private insurance – you know, the insurance upon which the vast majority of Americans rely.
And a Medicare-for-All plan would cost some $32 trillion over ten years – and that’s a low-end estimate.
Democrats are panicking over the possibility of a third party candidate like Howard Schultz, former Starbucks CEO, who could siphon off many anti-Trump votes by not running as a complete loony. There’s room for an anti-Trump centrist in this electorate – and that running space has been created by the severe Democrat socialist radicals.
Here’s a juicy scoop: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has so infuriated the Democrat party that they have recommended to the New York delegation that they find her a primary opponent and make her a one-term congressperson. They want her out.
No doubt if they succeed she will team up with Howard Schultz and run as an independent. That of course would solve many problems, the least of which is that Trump would be back for another four years.
We’ll talk…